Finally underway again after getting our engine repaired in Nassau. With our new piston and connecting rod in place,
Miakoda takes to the Atlantic to cross to the
Abacos. We are rushing to meet many of our
cruising friends in Green Turtle.
The passage took about 10 hours and we arrived in Little Harbor just after sunset. Grabbed a mooring for the night and left bright and early the next day. Little Harbor has changed quite a bit since our previous visit in 2006. It seems to have grown up and has lost some of its charm. Maybe we are not giving it a fair shake as we never explored on shore, but the atmosphere that existed before seemed to be missing. No bother, we have to move to catch our friends on "
Aly Cat" and "
Since the weather is nice and the seas calm, we take the outside route from Little Harbor to Elbow Cay. This island is were Hope Town is located. We anchor off of Tahiti Beach. Jennie and the girls really want to visit the beach off of The
Abaco Inn to find sea glass. This was a major producer on our last visit.
Next day, it is off to Green Turtle to see our friends we left in
As if we had never missed a beat, friends re-unite and fun ensues. Here are pictures of the ladies looking all cute (Monika -
Taua, Ali -
Aly Cat, and Jennie -
Miakoda) and the young ladies (Emma -
Miakoda, Claudia -
Alliana -
Miakoda and Caroline -
Aly Cat).
Of course, a trip to Green Turtle Cay would not be complete with out a visit to our favorite watering hole "Pineapples". The kids cool off in the pool with Peter (Taua).

Before we leave Green Turtle Cay, we have one other place to visit - The Green Turtle Club. On our visit in 2006, the crew from "Miakoda" signed a dollar bill and added it to the wall inside the lounge. We had to see if it was still there. Sure enough, right where we mounted it, our little piece of history.

Here are the young ladies walking the streets in town. The majority of traffic in town is golf carts, so the town is perfect for walking around and exploring.

I don't know how he manages to do it, but Peter, from "Taua", works into his schedule a day to help Brian completely disassemble "Miakoda's" watermaker. It is frustrating to find that we cannot repair it. Peter makes it look simple to tear this monster apart and put it back together without any left-over parts. Thanks Peter.
We knew the day would finally come where "Taua" would be put on the hard and Peter, Monika and Claudia with wing away back to Europe. We hope to cross paths with them next year when they return. Or maybe, we will get the chance to visit them in France (fingers crossed).
"Aly Cat" is our buddy boat for crossing from the Abacos to North Carolina. Shortly after "Taua's" crew takes off on the ferry, "Aly Cat" and "Miakoda" take off for our staging point on Spanish Cay.
Until next time . . .